# Empowering Digital Resilience Through Operationalizing Data Analytics Methodology

ODAM, or Operationalizing Data Analytics Methodology, is a comprehensive approach that helps organizations build a data-driven culture and achieve measurable business outcomes. It provides a framework for defining, planning, executing, and measuring data analytics initiatives, ensuring that they align with strategic goals and maximize the value of data assets. With ODAM, organizations can mature and operationalize their data analytics capabilities, driving business value and supporting decision-making across departments and use cases. By following best practices and leveraging industry-leading tools and technologies, organizations can accelerate progress and lead the way in data-driven innovation.

# The Work

This work is an experiment in writing that combines research, opinion, personal experiences, poetry, storytelling, history, hypotheticals, and interviews. The goal is to bring together a variety of ideas and present them in a way that is helpful and actionable to readers in their daily lives. Throughout my career, I have worked in customer service roles and learned that providing exceptional service is both memorable for customers and cost-effective for businesses. With this work, I hope to not only provide excellent customer service, but also to raise the bar for what customers should expect from vendors.

This work focuses on the intersection of data and community, and aims to help organizations of all kinds build an Analytics Center of Excellence (ACE) and to operationalize an organization’s data to drive value from data.

My passion for this work comes from a desire to help customers be successful with technology, as well as my interest in how people and machines interact and connect. I am fascinated by the ways in which different groups of people and devices communicate and work together, and the intersection between humans and machines.

In this writing, we will explore how organizations of all sizes can remove the barriers between data and action while building out their own ACE, using Splunk as a data analytics and visualization platform. We will delve into topics such as aligning expectations, planning, and implementation, with the goal of helping users access the right data insights at the right time. By taking a practical, in-the-moment approach to data analytics, organizations can empower their users to make the most of their data.

There are a series of valves, gates, and other mechanisms to help get water from one place to another. I took this photo in Doña Ana, New Mexico, 2022.
There are a series of valves, gates, and other mechanisms to help get water from one place to another. I took this photo in Doña Ana, New Mexico, 2022.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. In the following pages, we will explore how your organization can operationalize data analytics. But first, let me share a bit more about my endearment for data.