# Data-Driven Digital Organizations Part I

As technology has become increasingly important for businesses, governments, and schools, the need for secure, efficient, and effective technology solutions has grown. While technology vendors have made significant progress in providing customers with increased security, visibility, and risk reduction, many organizations still struggle to integrate and make sense of their technology and data. There are various approaches to securing and optimizing operations, but choosing the best one can be a challenge. It is important for organizations to consider factors such as speed, budget, and overall fit with their needs and goals as they evaluate their options. It's also important to remember that the journey to becoming a digital organization is not always a quick one, and may involve transitioning from traditional approaches like statistical sampling to more modern approaches like individual data point analysis.

Differences in visibility
Differences in visibility

Using real-time insights, organizations can take tailor-made actions to address specific issues and optimize their operations. By being able to ask questions, identify trends and patterns, and detect deviations from established baselines, organizations can improve their decision-making and take more targeted, effective actions. This can be especially important for leadership, stakeholders, and users such as analysts, engineers, and policy makers who rely on data and analytics to inform their work. To support these efforts, IT teams may need to reinvent themselves and provide self-service analytics tools and resources to empower users to access and analyze data on their own. Additionally, some organizations now exist entirely in the digital world and may not have physical offices, making it even more critical that they have robust analytics capabilities to support their operations.

Answer: Descriptive analytics